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Discussion on the development of the sustainable wind energy

Since February 2015, the Lithuanian Ornithological Society (LOD) in cooperation with the partners – Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) implementing the project “Development of wind energy and territories important to biodiversity” (VENBIS), which is financed by the EEA grants, project partners as well as national contribution.

This project is aimed to evaluate the possible influence of the most important areas for wind energy (WE) development to the biodiversity, especially to the most sensitive bird and bat species. In the frame of the project the potential conflict areas will be detected, solutions for the conflict management, biodiversity protection and sustainable development of WE will be proposed. For the first time birds and bats research is covering the whole country. Based on the research findings, the appropriate measures and recommendations for the conflict management will be proposed. These recommendations will be discussed jointly by the environmentalist and representatives of WE sector.

The first stakeholders’ meeting took place at the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) on 8th of June. Representatives of the MoE, local authorities, business, scientific institutions and NGO’s attended the event.

The project team presented to the participants of the event the project objectives and the expected results, as well as the ongoing activities – field research, analysis of the WE development, mapping. Ornithologists and bats specialists underlined, that the research will be focused on the sites with the biggest concentration of the migrating birds, as well as areas of the protected species of birds and bats, covering breeding, migration and wintering periods. A special attention will be paid for clarification of the migration routes of the various species of bird of prey. Participants shared the outcomes of the research, performed in the existing WE power plants parks. This valuable experience will be used while preparing recommendations on the decrease of the possible negative impact of WE development for various species of birds and bats.

Representatives of the MoE emphasized the importance of the project activities while preventing the conflict situations between developers of WE and environmentalists. A special importance was addressed to the mapping issue – participants of the discussion agreed on the importance to map and to designate the sites, which are important for the biodiversity. New habitats of protected species shall be included into the Information System of Protected Species, thus ensuring that the data will be available while performing environmental impact assessment of the particular site, however each site shall be discussed case by case. In the frame of the project the biodiversity sensitivity map shall be created. Representatives of the project underlined, that in parallel to the mapping activities, in cooperation with the MoE, sensitivity criteria can be elaborated and approved.


Presentations (in Lithuanian):

Bendroji informacija apie VENBIS projektą: tikslai, uždaviniai, siekiami rezultatai (Justina Liaudanskytė ir Liutauras Raudonikis, Lietuvos ornitologų draugija);

VE plėtrai tinkamiausių teritorijų atrankos principai ir techniniai kriterijai (Mantas Marčiukaitis, Lietuvos energetikos institutas);

Paukščių inventorizacija ir VE plėtrą apribojantys kriterijai paukščiams svarbiose teritorijose (Liutauras Raudonikis, Lietuvos ornitologų draugija,
Julius Morkūnas, Pajūrio tyrimų ir planavimo institutas);

Šikšnosparnių inventorizacija ir VE plėtrą apribojantys kriterijai šikšnosparniams svarbiose teritorijose (Deividas Makavičius, Pajūrio tyrimų ir planavimo institutas).

Reti stebėjimai

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